Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010

Kids Favorite

Today was Gavins first day of summer school -what a nightmare- I am hoping it gets better as the summer wears on. So back to packing lunches after a whole week off.

Fruit leather is the invention of the day!

I love my dehydrator bought on craigs list for $20 it is not fancy or state of the art but it is great for us. Also a must is a good blender I love my blendtec this is fancy and state for the art and we use it all the time. well worth the investment for us.

juice from 1 red grapefruit
2 large golden delicious apples
1 green pear (not sure the technical name) it was just laying around
cinnamon and a little pumpkin pie spice with 2 drops stivia

This goes into the dehydrator fruit leather tray. It is best to rub a little oil on the tray so it will come off when it is dry. I have used bananas in this and it tastes good but is no longer leather, the kids call them chips and that is the best description. I need to add some pictures so I will do that in the future with all my spare time :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Here we go

I have been toying with resurrecting this blog and making it something new. Now that the kids are out of school and I have a ton of extra time on my hands...yea right..there is no better time than now to start.
We have been on a gluten free casein free journey for a while but I am now feeling confident enough to start sharing some of our experiments. Some are good and many need improvement but it is fun to learn together. Enjoy!

today's invention
baked corn tortilla chips

Preheat oven to 350*
I cut the corn tortillas up into little pizza like wedges and covered one side with ghee (casein free butter) and sprinkled with salt. I cooked them for 6 min. then flipped them for another 6-8 min. These will get crispier as they cool. Soooo yummy with salsa. We had some left over so we covered the last batch with cinnamon and sugar for a sweet treat.
I think next time I will cook at 400* and it would be easier with a good spray oil instead of painting it on. Good start overall for a 1st try.